Clients who already made progress

Patrick's program ensured that I reached my goals and felt much fitter!



Personal Training with Patrick doesn't feel like an obligation. You really go in with a lot of excitement and you're bummed when the training comes to an end. Patrick isn't just a personal trainer, it feels more like he is a lifestyle coach. You're not just working out, you're actually changing your lifestyle automatically. Thanks to Patrick, I got back to working out. Not just working out, but also a healthier lifestyle. I feel better in my skin and I'm often in a good mood. All thanks to him.

Roy Arjun

Patrick is a personal trainer who listens to you, motivates you, and is always right there for you. He makes sure you reach your goals. Thanks to Patrick, I haven't just made steps physically, but also mentally. After years of struggling mentally, he made me see that he is incredibly different than other personal trainers. He takes a step back to overlook your personal situation and adapts his training to it. Definitely recommend!

Lisa John

I'm currently almost 2 years in training with Patrick. I am very happy with Patrick. His knowledge of weight training seems to be infinitive. Every time he comes up with something completely new to improve my training. He takes injuries into account and tries to overcome them. I started working out a few times a week, with the goal of fat reduction. I am still not completely satisfied, but I now train 3-5 times a week, just because it is so much fun.... Long story short, training with Patrick.. Just DO IT!

Jan-Hindrik Dekens

Ik train één keer per week bij Patrick en heb daarnaast een schema om vaker te trainen. Daarnaast helpt Patrick ook met m’n voeding, stelt eisen, maar begrijpt ook dat de boog niet altijd gespannen kan staan. Met Patrick ga ik mijn ‘strijd’ naar volledige fitheid wel winnen!

Martijn Blijleven

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Dit ga ik nog lang volhouden. Dit ga ik nog lang volhouden.

Jolanda Sanders van der Linden

Ik sport nu iets langer dan 2 maanden met Patrick en hij heeft eindelijk de knop om weten te zetten bij me om gezond te eten en hier een echte routine in te vinden. Bij de trainingen pusht hij me om door te gaan maar luistert daarentegen ook naar me als het echt niet meer gaat. Ik ben ook blij met de fysieke voortgang dus so far so good!

Kim van Rhoon